Introducing My Channel

My Channel is the newest addition to the attendee-viewer on Demio – think of it like a personal “backpack” for your attendees.

It will contain any Resources, Handouts, or Polls (coming soon) that you have created – and it looks like this:

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The My Channel area will stay out of the attendee’s way, unless it needs to be accessed. It can be opened at any time to look at past polls, to download new handouts, or to explore new resources.

When an item is added to the My Channel area, a notification will appear on the attendee’s end:

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With the new Resources feature, you can display CTA’s, buttons, images, offers, etc to your audience at any time.

We think Resources are going to be much more effective than simply pasting a link in the chat 🙂


With the new Handouts feature, you can easily share any kind of file with your audience for them to easily download.


The new Polls feature has not been released yet, but will be coming very soon. With Polls, you’ll be able to ask your audience questions and easily segment them by their answers. We see this being a very effective way to learn more about your audience, and then actually take action based on their answers.

We’re extremely excited to announce the My Channel section, and we think it’s a big step forward in making webinars  even more engaging, and ultimately more effective.

Now that we've got your attention 🙂 

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